Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quick Update

I spent 6 hours at the hospital today getting my radiation and my 4th and last dose of cisplatin.
So far I am ok. Tired out, but ok. I am taking the same anti-nausea drugs as last time which managed to steer me though without vomiting once, so I am cautiously optimistic.

Tomorrow morning I have radiation again, and then I am going in for the day surgery, well day-procedure really (no scalpel involved, I hope!). The bile stopped leaking out of the drain site at my ribs. I am not sure why it started or why it stopped, but anyway the tube change is happening tomorrow, so that should leave me once again with some internal drainage as well as the external drainage out into the bag.

One little hitch is that I should be drinking lots of fluid today and tomorrow to wash the cisplatin out of my kidneys, but I will be NPO for the day surgery, so I won't be able to eat or drink. I am trying to counter this by guzzling even more now.