Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blood Clot

I spent 4 hours in the hospital today. One thing I hadn't mentioned is that since Monday I have been barely able to walk. I thought that it was due to the slight over exertion of walking in a park on Sunday. Both my calves were very painful starting Monday morning, which made walking a hobbling chore, but I thought it was just muscular pain because I am so weak now.

Unfortunately my right calf got worse over time, and today after radiation I saw a doctor about it. He recommended an ultrasound to check for blood clots because there are two factors that put me at risk for blood clots. First, the chemo itself makes them more likely, and second the tumour in my liver is slowing down all the blood flow in and out of my legs.

So, sure enough I had a blood clot in a vein in my calf. I could see the ultrasound and the blood is creeping around the clot slowly, but the clot takes up most of the vein. Needless to say this is more bad news. I now need to have daily injections of fragment Fragmin (a blood thinner) for at least 3 months. I got the first one today. Currently my calf is even worse. It is painful all the time now, not just when I am walking or standing. I hope the clot dissolves quietly over the next few days, as apposed to, say, dislodging and moving into my brain.