Monday, May 5, 2008

Hiccup Hell

For the last two nights, when I lay down at night to go to sleep I start hiccuping. I hiccup about once every 20 minutes? All night long. Sometimes it feels like I need to burp, but when I try to sit up and do that I get acid in my throat and it feels like I am about to throw up. Needless to say this makes for a terrible sleep. Just the last thing I need. Well, no, the last thing I need is another fever, or another bile blockage, or throat sores, or low blood counts, etc. But this is up there in the rankings of highly annoying. I will start taking my stomach-acid reduction pills (yes, yet another goddamn pill) which I had stopped taking because I hadn't been vomiting.
It just started a few nights ago, which is really a mystery because I can't think of any other symptoms that match it. For example, I might expect something extra to be pushing against my diaphragm. I don't know. I just hope it goes away.

Today is Monday. I have a blast of radiation scheduled for 1pm today. Tomorrow's chemo is just a 5FU pump change, so that will be easy.