Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Lachlan went to the Emergency at 10pm last night because he had a high temperature. He was given an antibiotic and the usual battery of tests, including an x-ray, and blood samples were taken. His blood pressure dropped to a very low level and they gave him huge amounts of saline to try to bring it up. This helped a bit but not enough. The infection caused the blood vessels to leak fluids into the tissues and this dropped the blood pressure. He was first moved to another section of Emerg where they could monitor him better but when they couldn't stabilize the blood pressure and he also needed oxygen, they decided to move him to the Critical Care Trauma Centre ( ICU ). They gave him medications ( IVs) to "strengthen" the blood vessels and also two units of blood. and put him on an oxygen mask. He had six IV tubes at one point and they were monitoring and checking all the time. Eventually the blood pressure came up and seemed stable.
They took him off his chemo (5FU through the pic line) and cancelled his radiation for the day.
He is still in CCTC and seems much better but they are still concerned that he needs oxygen. They don't know where the infection is . His bile drainage tube is flowing well and isn't blocked.