Saturday, August 2, 2008

Plan to go home next week, into palliative care.

If I don't have any more signs of bleeding, the plan is to allow me to go home into palliative care next Tuesday or Wednesday. I will be very happy to be out of the hospital.

If/when I have to come back, it will be into a palliative bed here. I hope. Ideally I can stay at home as long as possible.

My stomach is bloated and distended like a basketball. Despite the fact that I am passing both urine and solids. It hurts to sit up or walk around too much. I have gained weight back up to 152 pounds, but it is all in my bloated stomach I guess.

There was an idea to remove my spleen to see if that would help with the platelets, but my surgeon says I wouldn't survive the operation. Basically there is is still no answer as to why this has happened to me, other than it is a side effect somehow of the cancer.

That's about it, other than that I am just trying to survive being in the hospital. The food is skewed towards bland Canadian tastes, so I mixed it up at lunch by substituting a kids meal of Alphagetty - you know what - it's not that good, but it is actually better than 4/5ths of the crap they serve here anyway. There is also some kind of conspiracy to give me two bowls of beef or chicken broth with lunch and dinner. I have asked and asked to stop it, but still it comes. I can't wait to get out of here.