Thursday, July 24, 2008

Platelets <10 again.

I may be stuck in hospital for a long time. No one can figure out why my platelets are being consumed, and as far as I know they have exhausted the tests they might do to try to figure it out, so essentially they are out of ideas, and are now just hoping I will get better on my own. Meanwhile, I am not getting better on my own.

So, I got another platelet transfusion and we wait and see. To say the least, I am not happy about all this.

UPDATE #1: I have blood in my stool again, so I am going back on Pantoloc by IV, and back onto a clear fluids diet. They also just did my blood work again including the liver enzymes because I seem to be more jaundiced than ever. The whites of my eyes are pure yellow. My stomach is bloated, so they plan to do an abdominal xray... whoa speak of the devil... they are here now with the stretcher for the xray. Over and out.

UPDATE #2: My bilirubin is up to 270 - no wonder I look extra jaundiced. I must be losing even more weight on this clear fluids diet. Chicken brother and apple juice - not really going to pack on the pounds with that.