Monday, July 14, 2008

Last Friday's meeting with my surgeon.

We discussed the new CT Scan results, which were basically the same as last time, with a few troubling additions. First, there is something hard in my portal vein, blocking more of the flow. It may be a blood clot, or it may be the tumour itself. Either way it is not good. Second, my spleen is enlarged and we are not really sure why. It could be a leftover of radiation perhaps. Even though he re-iterated that resection was not going to be possible, I asked him to send a copy of the scan to the surgeon who was looking after me in Vancouver, and also to another surgeon here in London. He said I could cap off my external bile bag, which I did happily. Unfortunately, that night, just as I went to bed, I developed a fever and was shivering uncontrollably, so I had to attach a new bag again. The fever seems to gone away by now, but other annoying/worrying/painful things have happened over the last few days which I will write about shortly.