Friday, June 6, 2008

Still getting fevers

Unfortunately my white blood cell count, and specifically my neutrophil count dropped again today. I was wrong yesterday about the white bloodcells being 2 - that was the neutrophils (the important kind of white blood cell) which have dropped to 1.5 today. I wasn't allowed to have radiation because of that.

I am still getting fever spikes about 38.2 every day despite all the antibiotics. So I am extra worried that my white blood cells and neutrophils are dropping. They should be raised to fight the infection. Because I was worried, I talked to a doctor after not having radiation, and he thought I should probably become an inpatient again. We will see. The whole thing is highly depressing, but I do not want to end up in ICU again. Tomorrow I am going back to the same inpatient oncology ward to meet with the doctor who discharged me, and he will examine me and make an evaluation.