Friday, June 20, 2008

A parting slap.

Yesterday, apart from being low energy, I threw up most of what I ate, starting getting diarrhea, and couldn't lay down without the acid reflux rolling up my throat. Fun times. It may be the last gasp from the radiation. After all, it kills good cells just as well as it kills cancer cells, and it certainly hit my stomach somewhat. Or perhaps it is coming off all these strong IV antibiotics that I have been on. Yes, the nurses are no longer coming twice a day to give me IV drips and hook me up to an IV pump at night, which is a relief. Or perhaps it was just something I ate. Who knows. I feel slightly better than last night, despite my terrible sleep.

I have 4 follow-up appointments with various doctors over the next couple weeks. The radiation burn on my abdominal skin is turning into a tan. In fact, it hurts below that in my lower abdomen because that is where I jab myself with a needle every night to inject the Fragmin.