Monday, June 9, 2008

Got another dose of radiation today.

Despite the fact that my neutrophils dropped to 1.3. My Radiation Oncologist rolled the dice and decided this morning I was fine to have radiation, but once again another round of blood work tomorrow morning to see if I can continue. My radiation schedule turns out to have supposed to be done this Thursday, but obviously with all these interruptions I am behind. How far I do not know.

Now some good news. My platelets are up. I think they are 103. And my hemoglobin crept up to 116. Also, the last time I have measured a temperature over 38 was Friday night. I must admit it hit 37.9 at some point, and I took Tylenol so I might have avoided one spike that way, but generally the fevers seem to be getting less frequent. They had better be less frequent because with neutrophils of 1.3 I am not fighting off much on my own. I have no desire to go back to Emerg with another brutal neutropenic fever.