Monday, April 28, 2008

CT Report, etc.

I heard the CT Report this morning, which was actually slighly more optimistic than we had thought. Basically the main tumour is about the same as before, it is hard to tell because it is somewhat amorphous, but the growth was mostly halted. And the lymph nodes are only fractionally larger. Let's hope the radiation added to the mix will start some shrinking.

This past weekend was, relatively, great. I was able to hang out with friends in a semi-normal fashion, so that was excellent. I was even able to even play some bocce, although I tired easily. And, I haven't vomited since last Thursday night, and my sores in my throat and mouth have mostly cleared up.

It is good to feel strong before tomorrow's cisplatin dose and also my first radiation dose. I will be getting radiation every week day for the next 6 weeks. Tomorrow will be a long day. At least I know that I will, after 3-4 days, crawl out of the hole that cisplatin may push me into.

Apart from the dealing with the ongoing bile infection fun, the only thing I am trying hard to do is to gain weight.