Saturday, September 6, 2008

So weak and thin.

I lay down on a futon on the floor to avoid having my head in the direct sun. But, I was too weak to get up off the floor into my real bed. When I first came back into this house after 2 1/2 weeks as an inpatient, I thought it was premature a bit to house me on the ground floor, but in retrospect I haven't been able to tackle stairs in days. So that was a wise move.

I am sitting up now typing this because the horizontal position, while causing pain, does cause a lot more nausea. So I threw up my attempted intake of food today Boost(tm) and Ensure (tm) and Gatorade (tm) and Blueberries (tm) and Water (tm)... I started taking an under-the-tongue drug to fight this & hiccups (which are a huge problem for me) with the side effect of making me sleepy.

In light of all of this, please don't call - I won't bother to answer I just don't have the energy to talk. I like getting all the emails, but even then it may take weeks for me to respond - if ever. Sorry everyone.