Friday, March 28, 2008

Back in Hospital...

Well, tube change didn't go all that well as it turned out. An infection developed (I reckon they should have given me antibiotics on-board before the procedure, but that's just me), and pain was building up on Wednesday evening and I started to get a fever. By Thursday at 7am, I called in and they recommended that I should hook up my external bile bag again. As soon as I hooked it up, pus laden bile started pouring out. That took of the pressure and relieved some of the immediate pain, but of course it was clear I has an internal infection going on in my liver.

We checked back into the stretcher bay in the cancer clinic, and after giving lots of blood samples and bile samples, but mostly just waiting around all day... I was admitted as an inpatient. I started on antibiotics and this morning I had a HIDA scan - which was quite interesting, as I could watch it over the hour it took to do. Basically they injected me with some radioactive markers that would be moved by the liver from the blood into the bile and then watch to see how the bile would drain - if at all. It showed that my bile was again draining (mostly) properly internally. Although it also showed that the left portion of of my liver is not doing much anymore - not processing much blood at all.

Anyway, I am out of danger I guess, but I need to be on antibiotics every 6 hours all weekend, so I am just out for a short leave of absence at the moment. On Monday we will see about whether or not something further should be done with my plumbing.